Artifact: Configuration Management Plan
The purpose of the CM Plan is to define, or reference, the steps and activities that describe how Configuration and Change Control Management (CM) is to be performed in the development of a software product. Brief Outline
(hyperlinks into HTML template in a new window) 1. Introduction1.1 Purpose1.2 Scope1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations1.4 References1.5 Overview2. Software Configuration Management2.1 Organization, Responsibilities and Interfaces2.2 Tools, Environment and Infrastructure3. The CM Program3.1 Configuration Identification3.1.1 Identification Methods3.1.2 Project Baselines3.2 Configuration and Change Control3.2.1 Change Request Processing and Approval3.2.2 Change Control Board (CCB)3.3 Configuration Status Accounting3.3.1 Project Media Storage and Release Process3.3.2 Reports and Audits4. Milestones5. Training and Resources6. Subcontractor and Vendor Software ControlTiming
The CM Plan is written early in the Elaboration phase once funding has been approved for the project to proceed. It should be re-visited at the start of each phase and updated accordingly. The CM Plan needs to be archived such that it is available for post-deployment maintenance activities for guidance on where certain software assets might be stored. Responsibility
The Worker: Configuration Manager is responsible for the integrity of the CM Plan, ensuring that it:
Rational Unified
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